This service is usually performed by a ‘competent’ fire risk assessor or fire engineer. Generally it is a service offered on an hourly or day rate basis and it may include basic advice on fire safety, more complex and detailed advice on complex build design, working out and providing smoke movement calculations for building regulation approvals, plan examinations, representation in legal cases for either the prosecution or defence, expert witness advice, fire investigations and much more on buildings ‘active’ and ‘passive’ fire systems etc.

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Overview of Fire Safety Consultancy Services

The above is not an exhaustive list and your consultant may offer other services if they are experienced and ‘competent’. They should have a minimum qualification as a fire expert in fire engineering, such as Graduate of the Institute of Fire Engineers, but check them out carefully as there are many people purporting to be experts who do not have suitable qualifications, or as importantly, the experience in your particular sector.

Frequently Asked Questions about Fire Safety Consultancy Services

Below you will find answers to commonly asked questions.

Where do I find a fire safety professional?

There are a number of organisations throughout the UK who have nominated individuals, such as Institute of Fire Engineers (IFE) (which is the main organisation that is recognised by the fire and rescue services), the National Association of Fire Officers, and the Institute of Fire Safety Managers (IFSM). If you are recommended an assessor, please take care to check out not only their qualifications, such as GIFireE or MIFireE (Institue of Fire Engineers qualifications), but also their experience and how long they have been practicing fire risk assessing. Always ask for references. One key aspect is if you have sleeping accommodation as part of your premises, it’s critical that the person is experienced and ‘competent’ in this area of fire safety.

Do I always need professional advice?

Not always. There are guidance documents issued by HM Government on all types of premises, which can be found on the government web site at 

However if your building is multi storey and/or is complex in layout or design our advice is always to get professional advice, and to definately seek advice on sleeping accommodation, residential care or nursing care premises and hospitals, as their buildings usual require the top level of fire safety, knowledge and experience and skill sets.